Greetings from Antioch Baptist Church. I’m Mark Smith, the pastor of this blessed church. We’re so glad you’ve visited our site. Allow me to give you a brief overview of what Antioch Baptist is all about.
We’ve been a part of the Greencastle community for over 80 years now. Our desire is to share the good news of Jesus our Saviour to whosoever wills.
Our services try to reflect the joy of truly knowing the Lord through a personal relationship with Him. We still sing the old hymns of the faith, along with some newer songs of today. You’ll find the congregation to be a welcoming and friendly group who are striving to live out their Christianity as a light in an ever-darkening world. The main focus for our times of gathering are centered on the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. When the Scriptures are opened and read aloud, the Spirit of the Lord goes to work. Each and every time we gather, messages from the Bible are given that are timely and true. We are a traditional and conservative church. The ever-majestic King James Bible is what we unapologetically use for our services. We believe you must be born again to truly be a believer in Christ. John 3:1-18
Antioch is also home to the Southside Biblical Counseling Center. My dear wife, Theresa, and I have been well-trained, board-certified, and yearly receive updated, continuing education in the field of biblical counseling, so we can stay up-to-date and ready to help. Each and every week, we have the privilege of serving troubled and needy souls, who have become sidelined through the issues of life. We watch God at work changing lives, restoring relationships, breaking destructive patterns of behavior, and showing people how to have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
If you desire a place where you will be welcomed, challenged spiritually and given meaningful direction for your life, we’d be honored to serve you as well.
Dr. Mark Smith